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Welcome to your fun sleep survey, a light questionnaire to get you thinking about your sleep.

This survey is anonymous and there are no right or wrong answers, it is a fun self-help tool to help you look at your sleep habits, and maybe something will stand out for you about how to improve your general sleep routine.

Feel free to also try our other sleep surveys, self-help questionnaires and sleep quizzes!

I am...

I identify as...

I am naturally a...

I work...

Select all that apply

My work is...

I think sleep is...

Words you associate with sleep

My ideal night's sleep would be:

Each night, I generally sleep:

Things that help me sleep:

Select all that apply

Things that disrupt my sleep:

Select all that apply

I wake in the night...

I sleep better:

Select all that apply

My Sleep Goals:

In what ways do you aim to improve your sleep?